Friday, November 30, 2018

More pool

My good friend came over tonight and I haven't seen him in a really long time.  It was great to catch up and we played a good amount of pool in the basement too.  My son played some as well and I have to say he is improving very much.  It was fun to play but even better to catch up with an old friend.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


We have just completed a home gym and it is one of the best things we have ever done.  I was able to get home and go straight downstairs and do a lower body workout.  My dogs watched as I did squats, lunges and deadlifts.  I rewarded the dogs' patience afterwards with a nice walk in the neighborhood.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


This evening my son and I played pool downstairs in the basement.  It was the first time he used a regulation size stick and he played really well. It was a close contest...I won one game and he won the other after I scratched on the 8 ball.  It was a fun way to end the evening and made me look forward to more matches as he gets older.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Dinner out

Posting after a couple of days off....The Thanksgiving weekend is officially over but we ended by going out to dinner with some good friends.  We went out for Thai food and everything we got was delicious.  It was good company to go along with the good food.  The kids had fun too.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Today was Thanksgiving and I ended up cooking a 20 pound turkey.  We had mash potatoes, stuffing, salmon, green beans and gravy.  It was all really, really good.  The best part was family coming over to spend time together.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Veggie Chili

I got home from work a bit late since I took the bus so I had less time to prep dinner before going to attend parent-teacher conferences.  I cut up some veggies, drained some beans and got some seitan, a veggie protein, from the fridge.  I tossed it all into an instant pot, with some chili powder, cumin and a couple of cans of diced tomatoes.  After 10 minutes of pressure, I had some awesome chili ready.  We all ate it up after the parent-teacher conferences.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Lazy Day

After a nice Friday night I slept in really late today because for the first time in a while we had no plans on Saturday morning.  I woke up for a bit, ate breakfast and went back to bed to take another nap.  In our busy lives, it is really nice to relax and rest once in a while

Friday, November 16, 2018


After a hectic week at work we headed to go see the Aziz Ansari concert at the MGM hotel in National Harbor, MD.  We drove through a good amount of traffic to get there but we arrived just in the nick of time, as did the friends we were going with.  We were able to get in, get a drink and enjoy a great comedy show.  Aziz was great, with really funny new material.  We were able to grab some dinner afterwards...a great time was had by all.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

In the News

So last night my wife and I saw Fiddler on the Roof at a theater in Baltimore.  It was a great show but the intermission was marred by a drunk guy yelling Nazi slogans.  That was terrible.  Today I posted about the experience on Twitter which was followed by lots of news organizations contacting me about the incident.  I ended up being quoted in two major newspapers.  

Monday, November 12, 2018


My wife went out to dinner so I took the kids to our favorite sushi sushi spot. We all got our regular miso soup to start followed by four really tasty sushi rolls. It was a nice treat for a weeknight and the best part is I didn’t have to do the dishes. 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Gala Night

Posting this later because we got home after midnight... we went to my wife's work gala last night which this year was held at the MGM hotel and casino in National Harbor, MD.  The venue was beautiful and both my wife and I were all dressed up.  She looked beautiful and I didn't look too bad either.  We had a great night eating, drinking and socializing.  Even got some dancing in!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Two Day Week

Had another busy day at work but after it was over my weekend started.  Yep, I had a two day work week which is perfect.  I got to come home and do a workout before cooking dinner.  In the evening I got to watch some football and House of Cards.  Can't get much better than that for a Thursday evening!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Back on the Job

It was my first day back at work after a nice vacation.  I got up extra early since it was the day after the midterm election.  As much as I love being on vacation, getting back and seeing all my awesome co-workers was great.  Each and everyone I work closely with is someone who is consider a friend as well.  It was a really busy day but with great companions at work, the day goes by so fast.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Lazy Day

After many fun filled days in Orlando we took it easy today.  I dropped off my wife at her conference then took the kids to the pool at our condo.  It was really nice being outside and my son and I tossed the football around in the water.  We got some snacks while we were there and took a walk around the lake before coming back.  A good way to wrap up the vacation.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Posting a day late since we got home after midnight.....we had a really nice afternoon in Orlando have lunch and doing some shopping.  At night my wife's conference got us all tickets to Universal Islands of Adventure park.  The park was shutdown to the general public and was only open to conference attendees and their guests.  We got to go on all the ride we wanted to without waiting in line for too long.  The best attraction was the amazing Harry Potter ride.  We went on it three was so much fun.  

Friday, November 2, 2018


We spent our first full day in Orlando Florida going to the Kennedy Space Center.  It is where many of the Space Shuttles have taken off from and it was an amazing place.  We got to meet an astronaut during lunch and he told us really cool stories about being up in space.  The craziest part of the day was the Shuttle Simulator ride.  It really felt like we were blasting off into space. 


Been a few days since the last post but I was in Portugal with the family. Everyday was a new and amazing experience. Great food, great sit...